1.for example
1.For instance, in 1960 she was commissioned by Life to follow Malcolm X, the leader of the Black Muslims, for a year.
2.For instance, Ajax is often used in response to user input to modify parts of a page with new data fetched from the server.
3.For instance, try putting that journal on your nightstand where it's the last thing you see as you end the day.
4.For instance, it's easy to come up with evolutionary explanations for our preferences after the fact, Conley said.
5.Germany, for instance, has long had a scheme that covers 60% of the gap between shorter hours and a full-time wage for up to six months.
6.The joint may be used to join a pair of structural components, for instance in an aerospace application.
7.For instance, Angelina Jolie is often seen sporting double-bridged or aviator semi-rimless sunglasses.
8.A machine could, for instance, make a complete set of plates, dishes and bowls out of plastic, coloured and decorated to a design.
9.This would be a good time to get him to help us turn the screw a bit tighter on Iran, for instance.
10.In complex branching logic, it's possible to have two separate copies of these contexts; for instance, consider the flow shown in Figure 8.